I created this blog to highlight my mother Caren Meek and all of her projects. She is constantly working on something whether it be knitting, crochetting, cooking or sewing. I believe it is physically impossible for her to sit on the couch and watch t.v. without working on a project. She is an amazing woman with many talents.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

its been a while

It's been a while since i updated this, so i thought it necessary to include some of the recent items mom has finished. Like these adorable black bootie shoes she made a while back for the grandbaby/my niece.
We tried these cute socks on Clem and they turned out to be knee highs. AWESOME.

Mom was trying to finish this afghan to donate to the senior center for the fourth of july, but she finished it on the 3rd and told them about it and it turned out too late for a raffle drawing so they're going to wait until veterans day i think. If mom doesnt decide to keep it for herself. red white and blue are her signature colors. Plus, it just looks so perfect on the back of our couch.
And who could pass up this cute pink sweater
(to go with the pink hat that i made for the cute miss clementine mcawesome)

I'll be sure and photograph the rest of the projects mom is working on this week and update you as soon as possible. There is at least one adorable little boy blue sweater and she is working on the pants/leggings to go with.

And the STACKS of afghans to donate to the senior center. Some lucky people are going to be very warm this coming winter with the cute afghans she and the ladies at the knitting/crochetting group at the center have made. along with the countless loom hats and slippers.
til then, have a great one. knit pretty. knit often. love life.

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