I created this blog to highlight my mother Caren Meek and all of her projects. She is constantly working on something whether it be knitting, crochetting, cooking or sewing. I believe it is physically impossible for her to sit on the couch and watch t.v. without working on a project. She is an amazing woman with many talents.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

its all about how you use your resources

mom broke her leg a few weeks ago or so and has a temporary cast on it. her toes get cold, so we delved into the donate box of hats from our knitting group of ladies at the senior center and found a loom hat that fits right over the end of the cast and keeps her tootsies warm. love.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

another gift afghan

this afghan is one mom's been working on off and on for a while now and just finished it up the other day. she was all ready to bag it up to give as a gift on easter, but i had to get a photo of it first!

the yarn she used was that ultra soft "simply soft" stuff. it is so smooth.