I created this blog to highlight my mother Caren Meek and all of her projects. She is constantly working on something whether it be knitting, crochetting, cooking or sewing. I believe it is physically impossible for her to sit on the couch and watch t.v. without working on a project. She is an amazing woman with many talents.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A few sick days and a new sewing machine

This week there was a sale at Costco on sewing machines with tables for quilting and such projects that require more table space. Mom had her friend pick one up for her and WALA (sp), here it is. This week it's still in the box because mom is sick and hasn't felt like sewing.

Mom started knitting again today after being sick four days. She is still sick, but felt good enough to knit today i guess. She has been on and off working on this afghan for a while now. It's her project to pick up and mindlessly work on when she is tired of her current projects.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pink Booties

Sew Cute!

Mom's newest project is a prayer blanket for Sarah Bertagnole (a lady that used to live in our ward). Mom is piecing the blocks together so that this saturday at our ward's "Super Saturday" activity, the ladies at church can sign the blocks for Sarah. Mom will complete the blanket with some help from the ladies at our weekly quilting/craft day and send it on to Sarah with all the love of the ward ladies sewn into it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My grandfather (Boppa) made the squares to this afghan and my mother put them together. I love the colors in this one.
Mom gave this to Boppa after she finished it, but then decided she wanted something that he made, so she took it back.

This is a beautiful afghan my mother donated to the senior center where every thursday morning we get together with some women in the valley to knit and crochet. The senior center is going to raffle it off and the proceeds will go to the center.

This is the first square put together for a prayer blanket for a woman that used to attend church with us. She is going through chemo and is not living in the area. It is to be a surprise. Mom's idea is to have the woman at church sign in the white spaces so that it can be a great group gift.

Baby booties that mom made for her new grandbaby that will be arriving in November.
A baby blanket to donate or perhaps sell.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This quilt was made by my mother and machine quilted by my aunt Connie. This was a gift to my sister Samantha.

some baby afghans

This is an afghan my mom and her friend mary made that i put online at etsy.com under her username 'carenmeek'.